COVID-19 Safety Information

Please be mindful that the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, and there are risks associated with any in-person activity. So please take standard precautions to minimize the risks.

0. Please get tested for COVID-19 this week, before departing for the conference. If you learn--either before or during the conference--that you have tested positive, please do not participate in conference activities.

1. Please follow the CDC guidelines and be aware of the current COVID-19 situation in Texas State, Brazos County, and College Station campus of Texas A&M University.

2. We strongly encourage you to wear face coverings which cover your nose and mouth whenever you are indoors and practice social distancing regardless of your vaccine status.

3. No eating or drinking is allowed inside classrooms. We will provide beverages and snacks during the coffee breaks. We recommend that you take your food and beverages to the outdoor seating areas.

4. If you experience any COVID-19 related symptoms, such as fever, coughing, sore throat, etc., please do not participate in conference activities.

5. If you test positive for COVID-19 within 7 days after the conference, please notify the conference organizers with the list of your close contacts from the conference. Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet for a cumulative total of at least 15 minutes.

If you have further questions, please contact the organizers.